Designing of the QF Emirates

Designing of the QF Emirates

What is the Qualification?

The National Qualifications Framework is a tool to describe qualifications and the relationships between them to enable individuals and develop their skills and progress in the field of work, the National Qualifications Framework in the UAE depends on "learning outcomes", which means that the qualification is granted when the individual / learner has successfully completed the requirements of learning outcomes for that qualification according to Quality assured accredited evaluation mechanism.

The learning outcomes that obtained by the learner in the form of a "certificate / diploma / degree" issued by an accredited educational or training institution after he has successfully completed the requirements of that qualification in accordance with approved criteria approved by the National Qualifications Authority, and according to the elements of the level description of the level of the National Qualifications Framework.

Among the basic elements that are relied upon in designing the Qualifications Framework, which together constitute the main components of the qualification:

  • Learning Outcomes
  • Evaluation Criteria
  • Credit hours

Learning outcomes can be defined as the outcome or the amount of learning that an individual needs to obtain a specific qualification. In the national qualifications system, it is referred to as elements of knowledge, skills, aspects or aspects of competence

The approved credit hour is not limited to "the time needed to teach only" (direct contact between the teacher or the lecturer and the learner) but rather takes into account the time of self-learning (self-reading, for example), the time of evaluation and the applied aspects (in Vocational Qualifications) that the learner require. In the National Qualifications Framework in the Emirates, one credit hour is calculated according to the following formula:

Credits = 15 hours

The learning outcomes which learner is expected to fulfill successfully, in order to obtain a specific qualification recognized at the specified level.

The learning outcomes

Levels of National Qualifications Framework

The QF Emirates consists of ten levels with associated qualifications and their names, and these qualifications extend from level one to level ten.


Key drives of the QF Emirates

Key drives of the QF Emirates

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